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Why You Should Review Your Insurance Policy

Why You Should Review Your Insurance Policy

Buying life insurance in Hialeah, Florida ensures financial protection from your family and loved ones when you pass away. Having life insurance in place helps ensure financial support to your dependents. But have you reviewed your life policy lately?

Many things can change in a person’s life. This is why J.E. Insurance Associates DBA Amco Insurance advises each one of our clients to do annual reviews of every insurance policy they buy, yes, that also means auto insurance in Hialeah, Florida. Here’s why:

  • Starting a new job or getting promoted.
    You need to make sure that the insurance services in Hialeah, Florida that you first purchased still meets your needs.
  • Taking on debt.
    Even small loans can shift your finances in big ways, especially if you’re working with a fixed income. It’s always a good idea to bring an updated monthly budget to your annual insurance review. This way, you can arrange your priorities accordingly.
  • Getting married or divorced.
    Your marital status is not the only thing that will be changed here. If you have been recently engaged or married, you may want your partner to be your beneficiary. If you were to get divorced, you will also want your beneficiary designations to be arranged accordingly.

Yes, investing has a lot of paperwork involved, but the benefits are well worth the hassle. If you want to invest in life insurance or have any questions related to this, feel free to give us a call.

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