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Common Mistakes When Getting an Insurance


Our role as insurance providers is to help clients be ready for what lies ahead. In our experience, we have seen how clients reap the benefits of their efforts. We also have our share of lessons learned.

Staying true to our purpose of helping, allow us to share the following common mistakes when getting life insurance so you may be able to avoid and correct such.

  • Assuming that life insurance is (or should be) expensive.
    While it is true that life is valuable, it does not mean that insurance should be costly. Unfortunately, this deters individuals from getting life insurance.
  • Relying on employer-provided insurance.
    Companies may be offering or providing employees with insurance coverage, but in most cases, that security is tied up with their relationship with the company.
  • Choosing one policy without considering others.
    Just like any goods or services, insurance products vary from one policy to another and between insurance providers. Feel free to “shop” around and evaluate the best offer before settling on one.

Are you considering a Home Owners Insurance for your property?

We have a variety of Insurance Services in Homestead, Florida, that suit your needs.

Talk to the Insurance Experts in Hialeah, Florida, to find a suitable insurance program based on your objectives.

J.E. Insurance Associates DBA Amco Insurance is looking forward to serving you. If you have questions about Obama Care in Homestead, Florida, connect with our team and let us help you find clarity.

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