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On Always Being Prepared: The Benefits of Comprehensive Auto Insurance


When you purchase a brand new car, it usually comes with insurance that can cover for a number of things, such as manufacturer’s defect or broken windows and windshields—although some of the coverage offered by the insurance only lasts for a limited number of years. If you’re a car owner and would want to have to make sure that your automobile is protected, especially if it is not a brand new car straight from the manufacturer, it may be best to opt for comprehensive auto insurance.

Although comprehensive auto insurance covers or pays only a few, narrowly-defined problems, the thing is, these problems can be quite costly, so having insurance that covers those will be a huge help in the future. Here are a few benefits of having comprehensive auto insurance in Hialeah, Florida:

  • Enables you to get a replacement car when yours is stolen

    Although standard comprehensive insurance coverage does not pay you for a brand new car, but it will reimburse you with the current value of the car that was stolen. If you cannot easily afford a brand new car, then a comprehensive insurance policy will definitely be a huge help.

  • Pays for damage repairs from animal collisions

    Standard car insurances include “collision coverage”, but does not include animal collision. A comprehensive auto insurance, on the other hand, can pay for repairs necessary for the damage on your vehicle should it sustain a smashed fender, dented hood, broken windshield, or destroyed side mirrors, among others, due to collision with a wild animal, livestock, large dog, etc.

  • Pays for weather damage

    Comprehensive auto insurance has your back when the weather gets bad and causes damage to your car. When your vehicle is totaled because of a weather-related event, such as a landslide or snowstorm, then your comprehensive auto insurance insurer will reimburse you for the value of your car.

  • Pays and reimburses for flood damage

    Floods are very bad for vehicles, as water can seep in and destroy your car’s mechanical parts, disrupt the engine, or ruin the upholstery. This is when comprehensive auto insurance kicks in, paying for the repairs needed for your car to run smoothly again.

  • Pays for fire damage

    Although not very common, damaged and totaled vehicles due to fire damage can happen. When it does, it’s good to know you’ve got comprehensive auto insurance coverage to pay for the repairs or even reimburse the value of your car.

For a reliable Insurance Service in Hialeah, Florida for your vehicle, trust Amco Insurance. We will help you be prepared for the unexpected events and circumstances that life can bring to you, your family, and your possessions. We also offer Life Insurance in Hialeah, Florida so that you’re sure to have you and your loved ones’ future secured. Be ready with Amco Insurance.

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