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The Basics: 8 Things Every New Teen Driver Should Know

Eight Things Every New Teen Driver Should Know

Driving seems like an easy task. In reality, however, it is more than just gripping your hands on the steering wheels. Amco Insurance lists down some basic things you should know about driving a car.

  • Buckle up!

    You never know when accidents occur. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry. When driving a car, make sure that you are putting on your seat belt. The same goes for your passengers.

  • Keep your distance.

    Allot some appropriate space from the car in front of you. This is to give you ample time to react in case the car you are following does something like a sudden stop. Also, keep in mind the three-second rule. When the car in front of you passes a fixed object, it should be three seconds before your car passes the same.

  • Focus on the road.

    Most accidents happen because drivers give in to distractions. The most common distractions are cellphones. Rid yourself of distractions and give your full attention to the road. If you have to take an important call, park your car on the safe side of the road before you answer it.

  • Avoid overspeeding.

    Most new drivers are guilty of overspeeding. Is this because you want to show off your new driving skills? Being a great driver does not entitle you to commit overspeeding. No matter how quick your reflexes may be, remember that your car may not be able to stop in time. This increases your risk of figuring into a car accident.

  • Observe the allowed number of passengers.

    One of the most exciting news you want to hear is getting your driver’s license. The first thing that probably comes to your mind is driving your friends around for a celebration. This is not a good idea. Every additional passenger increases the risk of a car crash.

  • Avoid road rage situations.

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 94% of all traffic accidents are caused by driver error. Road rage accounts for 33% of these accidents. In fact, there are over ten thousand traffic accidents, over twelve thousand injuries, and over 200 deaths every year due to driver violence. So avoid offending other drivers. And if someone offends you, just shrug it off.

  • Check your blind spot every now and then.

    Your mirrors help you know what is behind you. However, they cannot show you what is outside your peripheral vision. Before you change lanes or turn to a different direction, always check your blind spot.

  • Get well-acquainted with your car.

    You have to know your car by heart. You should be able to determine which right buttons to press in every given situation. You can do this by spending a day just exploring the features of your car.

Protect yourself and your car by getting insurance. For trustworthy Insurance Services in Miami, Florida, choose Amco Insurance. Get to know more about our auto insurance by speaking to one of our staff. Call us at 305-251-0217.

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